HyFlex Instruction Enhanced access to learning from those who:
Learn how HyFlex instruction enhanced access to learning from students and learners
We come with diverse interests and areas of expertise, including philosophy, psychology, education, media and production. Collectively, our interests span cognitive learning strategies, e-learning, decolonizing the curriculum
Learn how HyFlex instruction enhanced access to learning from students and learners
Test the microphone and make sure online students can hear the instructor.
Repeat students’ questions so everyone can hear them before
HyFlex Instruction helped students meet their personal learning needs by
Reducing Stress and anxiety around missing class due to life circumstances
The spacing effect refers to the robust psychological finding that one’s memory can be improved by repeatedly studying the same
What is the testing effect? The testing effect refers to the robust finding that we retain information better when we
What is retrieval practice?
It’s a learning practice backed by research which has shown to make tested information easier to